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Thank you for coming to the buzmmo blog, where you can find the ultimate path to financial freedom.

It doesn’t take living in a box to build your wealth or be able to save . In today’s age, there’s a ton of ways to save money, but there’s another million that can take your money away. I’m here to sort the two.

Fortunately, I’ve compiled all the ins-and-outs of how to save your money to the maximum by living on the frugal side.

I’m a firm believer that everyone should have the ability to obtain enough money to have a sense of financial freedom in their lives while at the same time enjoying life’s greatest pleasures, such as traveling, dining out and not being stressed about your finances.

by reading this website you will be able to obtain the following:

Bring yourself a lot closer to financial freedom
Save 10% – 70% on dining, grocery shopping, renting a car, getting a haircut, etc.
Be advised about the current best deals as well as free deals on the market
Figure out ways to pay nearly nothing when traveling (airplanes, hotels, transportation, ATM fees, etc.)
Find the best ways to start building your wealth toward a better future
Save your time by coming to buzmmo, where I’ve compiled all of the ins-and-outs of frugality on one page
I have quickly increased my wealth while obtaining new experiences without holding a lucrative job. I have the ability to sort through all of the best ways to save money, and I want to share them with you.

My Background Story

When I graduated college, I only had about $800 dollars and no job lined-up. I knew that my parents wouldn’t take me back in no matter how things got as they wanted me to succeed. Even if I did have that option, moving back home wasn’t something I would readily look into.

I found my first job quickly as an inside sales rep at a local company. After one month of being on the job, I knew I couldn’t do this forever.

After three months, I was slowly starting to hate my job. I had to get out of there, whatever it took.

I decided to quickly start saving all of the money I could so that I could quick as fast as possible. On a $15.64 dollar an hour wage and my current expenses, I knew at this rate I would remain at that wretched company for many months to come.

I quickly got my act together and started finding the best credit card deals to get cash back. I even found ways to put together multiple discounts so that I would actually earn cash on certain items when I went shopping.

New ways to reduce my expenses were found, and I eventually dropped my cost of living to less than $1,000 a month just by remembering and researching simple things. (That’s living very comfortably on roughly $12,000 a year in a big city).

Most of my old habits didn’t take much time to change and once I was used to them, they seemed like a natural part of life.

Nine full months had passed at my job and I couldn’t breathe anymore. Dialing the phone 152 times a day gets on your nerves after a while.

I knew it was time to go, as I had saved up $13,000 in just nine full months. This was done through saving, dedication and self-discipline.
I quit my job even though I didn’t have anything stable lined up afterwards. Since I knew that I could live off of my savings for a while and didn’t obtain a luxurious lifestyle, I really wasn’t that worried. You can read the full story here about how I saved $13,000 in 10 months.

I’m currently even more frugal, and am able to live on about $800 dollars a month.

In the end, another job was found, but I wanted to share my financial experiences with everyone so I decided to start buzmmo.

I’m here to help you make the most of your life so you don’t have to find yourself in that miserable position that I once felt that I was in.

Sign-up to get free e-mail updates on my blog posts. If you have any questions about frugality, feel free to leave them in the comments section, and thanks for enjoying my blog.

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